4 cylinder question


My buddy and I are in the process of building a car for this series. I went to hyperfest this weekend and spoke with a few people. Here is my question/concert:

The regulations specifically mention the 318 so someone evidently has tried it. Is it even possible to keep up with the 4 cylinder? It almost seems like it would be a hazard on the track.

I didn’t see any there this weekend but I’m sure some of you have seen or raced with them. What are your thoughts? Should I begin looking for a 6 cylinder to start working on and find a new rear end? or keep plugging away with the 318?

Thanks for any input,


Which "318"? If you have a 318is (DOHC M42) you could keep going with it. If you have an M10, you’re out of luck. I’m not really even sure how the 318is will work out, because no one is racing one yet; there’s just Rob who has built a car to race in the future. His lap times look competitive, but who knows before it hits the track with other cars. It might not make it through traffic as well with less torque, might have the speed in the corners but not down the straights (making it tough to pass with it). You get the idea.

Personally, I’d go with an M20.


a 318is has raced on the west coast - it is written up in one or more threads here. Just my $0.02, but once more are out there, and they are proving to be slightly uncompetitive, then weight adjustments can be made to handle that.