$1850 later I'm on the road again


Have shiney new rod bearings. Shop said they were so bad that I was lucky to have not thrown a rod. Crank ok. Thank god I quit tracking the 911 so I could save all this money.

Chuck and Robert saved my engine by telling me “don’t risk it. It might be a bearing. Go home and check it out”. I wish like hell I’d done a leakdown test prior to pulling the bottom out tho. If my motor dynos poorly, I’m gonna wish I’d a put in a junkyard refurb.

A guy offered to sell me an '87 325i auto for $300 today. Looks great, seems to run ok, but I don’t know any more about it then that. Would seem like a good idea, but where the heck would I put it?

My wife says that I can put it in our yard if I let her date other men. But that’d be a PITA.

Actually most of my wife’s male friends would prefer to date me than her, but there’s some mysteries that one should just let go, instead of digging deeper.

What arrangements have others made for this sort of thing? I mean storing parts-cars, not the whole orientation thing. Are their junkyards where you can pay a fee and they’ll hang on to your wreck or something?


Scott, depends on how much room you have. I have stored cars in storage lots, but it can get pricey - usually $60 -100/mo. We bought a parts car in September for the engine, tranny, diff, but lately just stripping it of anything useful. But we had room in our yard to store it behind the house. $300 is a good deal if the engine is running. You can get a lot of good suspension, electronics, misc. engine parts to have as spares off the car. Heck, I had a good fender, strut tube, tie rod, to use in the repair from my CMP event. You could speak with some local repair shops to see if they have room. Having it close to home is a definite plus if you are going to get the car.


Look into an RV storage place, Tim’s (Teem’s) Little River Storage in sunny Actworth, GA thrives on non-running flat-tired cars, storage containers, RVs, abandoned boats, and trailers.

Also shops with big back areas like cash too.

Rev. Al can probably chime in on this topic.


:blink: Ouch… I know it sucks to shell out that kind of money. But it sounds like you caught it before it really hit your wallet hard.

As for storage: I store my trailer at a Public Storage place a mile from my house for $20 a month.

A good parts car will more than off-set that cost.