Yet another MW SE30 Build!


Looks awesome, excited to see the progress


Thanks Tom! I’m looking forward to it as well.


Jeff, nice progress! Good to have you joining the party. Rich


Finally an update! After a few weeks of no power at the shop (long story…) we got back to work. Stripped out the chassis the rest of the way, prepped for floor plates which involved a torch and wire wheel. I was very happy with the condition of the chassis, as there were only a couple little spots of surface rust that came off with a light brush of the wire wheel.

Seating position has been nailed down for the most part. Floor plates will be welded in this week, main hoop will be made this weekend as well as A-Pillar bars.


Finally some solid progress! Car is on the ground and the rear half is nearing completion.


Today’s work! It’s getting there. At the rate we’re going it should be mostly done in the next day or two!

Making awesome progress for getting cage material on friday!


Progress slowed a bit due to new year’s, but I definitely can’t complain with what we’ve gotten done so far! The rest of the tubes that need to go in have already been cut to length, so they just need to be notched and fitted, then it’s on to dimple plates.


Foot protection done!

Let the dimple dieing commence!


Do I win most intense SE30 cage yet? :silly:


Victory is yours Jeff! Add a few more for a Mad Max theme? Looks like you’re working on enough support structure for a roof mounted .50 cal.


That’d be perfect for those downtown traffic jams!


Should be primed and ready for paint this week!


Looking great Jeff, props on the quick work!


Thanks! Can’t wait til it’s finished.


Weekend update-

Cage is done, and so is priming. A fresh coat of alpine white II will be laid down this next weekend. And assembly will begin!


Beast of a cage Jeff, nice job!


Paint is done, and reassembly has begun! I also picked up a motor Friday so I’ll be doing a little refresh on that this coming weekend.


Had a long weekend this last weekend and got a good amount done! Finally got my crank scraper after waiting for almost three weeks so we could drop the motor in. While I was waiting to do that, I decided to paint/clean up some of the engine components which turned out pretty good looking.

I also started fitting the dash (round 2) which is going to need some creative mounting.


It’s been awhile since I’ve updated so here it goes-

After spending little time sleeping and putting a lot of hours of work on the car to get it ready for this last weekend’s NASA event disaster struck. Working all night/ morning on Friday, there were issues with a leaky fuel injector that had been initially fixed. But, when the car was started at about 5:30am in preparation for a test drive, the engine went up in flames after running for merely seconds. Luckily a fire extinguisher was nearby and the fire was put out swiftly. But the damage was done.

There goes the weekend.

It was so close. But alas, things happen. It will be rebuilt and it will be ready and waiting for the next event.


On the plus side, the livery is pretty much done!


We were wondering on Friday what had happened but no one had even thought that the issue would would be a m20 in flames. You’ll get this worked out. Car livery looks great. Looking forward to seeing you on track soon!