What's the best defroster/defogging recommendation


kishg wrote:

Given the tepid output of that blower I’d be shocked if it had enough output to add warm air to the cold air blowing around the open-windowed cockpit. You ideally would have a system with greater CFM than the stock blower on high.

How common are heater core failures in E30s with well-maintained cooling systems? It seems like there is a lot of re-engineering without much benefit.


It depends on how you define the benefit of the re-engineering.

Is it to increase the car / driver’s performance or to give everyone something to talk about / do.


Works quite well on my vert even on very cold days like today (23F in NYC today).


kishg wrote:

With all the windows open?


what ever happened to soap/shampoo on the inside of the windshield and/or the old “rag on a stick” standby? you e30 racers are too high tech…


dmwhite wrote:

Ya, right Dave. And just where does a sensor suite with flashing lights go on a stick? Sheeze.

I can see it now…“Just after turn 6 the Traqmate data shows that I engaged my rag-on-a-stick for two quick wipes”.

Subject change. Hugely OT.

As I typed the above gag my 6yr old says “Daddy, can boys marry boys”?

Oh good grief.


Thats not too OT - Dave had that same question.

Craig told him he was already married.


dmwhite wrote:

unfortunately “rag on a stick” isn’t legal as per the spec e30 ruleset. it may be construed as “ballast”


IndyJim wrote:

[quote]Thats not too OT - Dave had that same question.

Craig told him he was already married.[/quote]
It still creeps me out when Dave calls Craig “Daddy”…


Ranger wrote:

That’s what ChaseCam is for! :stuck_out_tongue:


Here’s my solution to the defroster on a car with a dash bar. Not shown is that I removed the plastic ducts from the bottom of the dash.


what are we looking at Jim?


Airbox at center and sheetmetal the runs along the bottom edge of windshield.


sheet metal modification to stock venting worked well.