So a lot of us are going to have to spend significant dollars to adhere to a rule change if splitters will no longer be allowed. To find and buy the factory front pieces, depending on which car you have, is difficult and more expensive than building a cheap splitter.
It has been agrued that the rule should be CHANGED to no longer allow splitters. This will cost money. This is why I hate rule changes. It has been agrued that splitters should not be allowed becuase they cost too much… Keeping a stock front end will cost many of us more.
A few apparently think you have lost races because someone has a splitter.
This is stupid. what are you going to ask for next? As soon as a guy wins who has really cool data acquistion and a really cool digital tach, I can hear the arguement… “hey that is not in the spirit of Spec! We should have a pure stock dash!”
The physics on splitters is really SIMPLE. and no I do not have any advanced degrees. They can add downforce/reduce lift when executed properly, and they slow you down on the straights. period. So it is one item we can tune the handling of our cars with. It can reduce front tire wear. It will reduce your straight line speed. Bingo a trade off. Simple, done, move on, nothing to see here.
Please don’t change the rule. If you do, something else will be next, and so on.
(This messsage paid for by “Splitters are cool”) I am vain and I approve this message.