SpecE30 in the works NJ


My new steering rack and rockers should arrive today. The rack was $275 plus no core charge and the rockers were $11 each courtesy of a friendly vendor who will get a giant sticker on the car.

The crank scraper finally arrived and looks nice. I’ll post photos tonight.


ED…any pics…?

I spoke to Kevin(?) crankscrapers…great guy. He said to not use a gasket… but to use Ultra Gray sealer …by permatex I think. It really seems like these scrapers are an inexpensive fix…or supply a nice impvt in op…but now Im concerned about using sealant and filing/fitting…etc. W/a a track car and mods…its never simple is it?


I don’t have any pics of substance. My flurry of activity ended abruptly thanks to the silly season at work (Fall).

Recent progress:

After nearly 3 years, I’m finally about to reclaim my 2nd garage bay from piles of yard stuff, tires, and junk so the E30 will get a permenant indoor spot.

My MIG welder is home as well after an extended stay at a friend’s place.

The cylinder head is partially reassembled w/ 12 new rockers and guides.

A smoking deal on a steering wheel and 6 bolt adapter hub turned vaporware.

I tried out a friend’s custom sized Ultrashield aluminum road race seat and now firmly believe this is the way to go for me. I have found no off the shelf FIA seat that is tall enough to put the harness shoulder straps at my shoulder level. I’ll just have to deal with seat back bracing.