

The fuel leak was easy, if you don’t tighten a ferrule fitting, it’ll leak even with essentially no pressure.

The car moved under its own power for the first time yesterday afternoon. I took it off the jack stands and around the block. That was partly to be able to get to the front of the garage to unload a tool and partly to turn it around to make finishing the interior a bit easier. Not have to fight the doors makes entry/exit so much easier.

A touch more work will finish up the fire system mounts. Then I can tackle the defroster and come up with something to mount the radio within reach of the driver. After that I’ll throw a coat of paint on the interior and then put the dash back in. That will finish up the interior and I’ll start on prepping for paint.


Three weeks left and alls well with Jim’s build. Hip hip hip!


The defroster is built. A little trimming and the dash should fit in over it. I’ll post a picture of it after I’ve test fit the dash.


The defroster is in. See,com_kunena/Itemid,94/func,view/id,43428/catid,15/limit,10/limitstart,30/ for a picture.

Mounts for the nets will finish off the interior. Then I can throw a coat of paint on the interior and start prepping parts of the exterior for paint.


I started working on appearance today. A full up cage with rear diagonals makes painting the interior of the car a real adventure. The only build item left is to mount the transducer, install a left rear ABS sensor and throw the car on a set of scales to see how much ballast I need to make weight.


jlevie wrote:

Errr, transponder? :laugh:

Jim - It’s great to hear about all the progress! I hope I get to CMP to see the maiden voyage.


Yes transponder… Dunno what I was thinking about when I wrote that.

Come on up (and bring a Spec E30), it’ll be a fun weekend.