NJMP Lightning April 20-22


True - I should have signed up - I could probably pedal faster than you if the rules allowed me to cut a hole in the drivers side floor. :stuck_out_tongue:


I will be there with the new car:woohoo:

Sounds pretty lame for the start of the season. I guess the million dollar entry fee doesnt help.

Kish, is Jeff going to race this year?

Bob, no motor! You already used that excuse for the Thunderbolt race, you have to come up with a new one.

Peter Thibault


Titanium coated pistons, micropolished high lift cam lobes, and a flow ported head cost some serious scratch. It’s taking a while to save up my pennies…
I should be there on Saturday for moral support.


jeff and I will both be there! c’mon bob, you lost the motor last summer!! i got a spare if you want :stuck_out_tongue:


I will be there with the “new” #327. Annual is done and she’s ready to race.


We will be down and it looks like we will have two entries for the race, also doing some DE with a couple folks.



Registered for Saturday. :slight_smile:


That brings us up to 8, not too bad. Anyone else?
Do you guys want to try to get a standing start?


Sweet, I’m guaranteed a top 10.


Looks like seven entries on the list at the nasa forum. If that doesn’t include the two Drivegear cars then we’re up to nine. Should be a great weekend.


Any thoughts on having a Spec E30 Saturday BBQ? Depending on what the schedule looks like, and weather.

I think that 7 number includes one of the Drivegear drivers.

Peter Thibault


I’m up for BBQ. Can bring my Weber kettle grill.


I can bring my appetite and some Samuel Adams.


OK, so I’ll bring the big grill and some sausages, rolls, condiments, etc. Everyone bring stuff to throw on the grill and we’re set. Perhaps we can convince Kish to bring the spicy chicken wings his wife makes. :slight_smile:


I’m up for the BBQ on Saturday and will bring some food.

Anyone else doing the open track on Friday?


I’m down for some BBQ.

I’m heading to the track on Thursday night, so I’ll setup and reserve as much space as I can


I’ll be down Friday evening. See you all then or Sat. AM.

Jeff C.


If all goes to plan i should have 343 trackside by early afternoon Friday. I dont have a grill but will bring some food and beer!


A paddock map has been posted if you guys haven’t seen it yet, so I guess we’ll paddock where they want us

Saturday’s schedule is up too


Stick us back in the corner huh? The only guys who get less respect are SpecMiata. Just kidding. I like that section of paddock and its a lot less traffic back there.

Thanks for posting everything.