[quote=“jlucas” post=70813]Parking lights & fuel gauges are not a potential performance enhancements. Older ABS systems are far from ideal in dry conditions and a skilled driver can outbrake ABS especially when a stop to zero is not required.
There’s been lots of debates re. outbraking ABS in various forums. Driver’s with degrees in sociology, PE or women’s studies say they can outbrake ABS. Engineers (this would include me) say “I’m not so sure”. Engineers with a background in automotive (this would not include me), say “ABS is better.”
SCCA doesn’t allow ABS because there is consensus it’s inferior?
Of course, if I had it to all do over again, I’d have majored in women’s studies. Those of you with HS age boys, I pray you’ll counsel them to consider their [strike]long term [/strike]objectives better than I.
Talk to SpecE30 types that have dealt with inop ABS systems for a while. Ask them how many tires they ruined.