edavidson wrote:
[quote]Ditto on the '87 accolades. We have 2 - a 1/87 and a 2/87 (there were some minor changes after 4/87 - water pump, belt tensioner I think).
Both of our cars had the A/C fuel cooling stuff.
Only real advice - check the ECU. If it is a "153" might want to get a spare. This was an early software version and prone to problems. Get a spare, a 173 or 225 should work fine - we have one of each and they work fine.
Enjoy the car!
Just curious, but have you actually had any problems with a -153 ECU or is this just something you heard??
Reason I ask is, I’ve HEARD alot of people mention this, but have heard very few first hand instances of a -153 ECU giving any more trouble than any other number.
Seems to be sort of an internet legend IMHO.