Thanks guys for the replies. I hadn’t been planning on journeying north this fall, as I was still hoping to make it to Ohio. However, I decided to get lasik surgery (this afternoon :pinch: ), which basically blew the Ohio budget. So, the good news is that this opens my September for a trek north.
So, it sounds like we could have a 4 car grid for Infineon (Cole, Lance, Joe, and myself)? Oh wait - I forgot about Chris, who at last call was planning on doing the licensing school this weekend. Chris - you out there?? I’m suggesting Infineon over Lagna Seca primarily becuase they have HPDE running - meaning a bigger audience. Plus it’s closer to wine country, though it’s a further haul for me. Another thought for you guys out east - a couple of you have mentioned a car-exchange so that you could race a track out west & one of us could race a track out east. Not quite the same, but if anyone would be interested I’m sure Mike would cut you a good deal on his second car!
Plus I’d like to get someone else out here who is similarly unfamiliar with the track! That could potentially put 6 cars on the grid if I’m doing the math right - which would be very cool.
As an add-on to Mike’s post below, below are the grids for the last 2 BMW Club races that I’ve been raced in SoCal. As this shows, we do get reasonable turnouts in California (it was ~105 degrees in July, which I imagine kept some away). Also, notice that there is a distinct top-heavy bias to the grids. Anyone wondering why I might consider moving to a faster car - I think this should give the answer.
I will likely still rent the IP car for a test day to give it a whirl (figuratively, of course). But a 5-6 car grid yet this fall would be a strong incentive to stick with the spec series.
Grid for Buttonwillow race in April:
CM/DM - 9
HP - 1
IP - 6
JP - 3
JS - 7
KP - 1
total - 27
Grid for Willow Springs race in July:
CM/DM - 8
HP - 1
IP - 5
IS - 1
JS - 3
KP - 1
total - 19